Working hour changes

ShopsWorking hours changes
T/c Origo
(izņemot atsevišķus veikalus)
24.12.2024 10:00-19:00
25.12.2024 10:00-20:00
26.12.2024 10:00-21:00
31.12.2024 10:00-20:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
T/c Origo Info centrs24.12.2024 10:00-19:00
25.12.2024 10:00-19:00
26.12.2024 10:00-19:00
31.12.2024 10:00-19:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Beates darbnīca31.12.2024 CLOSED
Drogas24.12.2024 8:00-19:00
25.12.2024 12:00-21:00
26.12.2024 10:00-21:00
31.12.2024 8:00-19:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Drogas (Stacijas ēkā)24.12.2024 8:00-19:00
25.12.2024 12:00-21:00
26.12.2024 10:00-21:00
31.12.2024 8:00-19:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
E-lats24.12.2024 10:00-18:00
25.12.2024 10:00-19:00
26.12.2024 10:00-19:00
31.12.2024 10:00-18:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Factory Outlet24.12.2024 10:00-19:00
25.12.2024 10:00-19:00
31.12.2024 10:00-19:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Gan Bei24.12.2024 10:00-19:00
25.12.2024 12:00-22:00
26.12.2024 12:00-22:00
31.12.2024 10:00-20:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Hesburger24.12.2024 SLĒGTS
25.12.2024 10:00-22:00
26.12.2024 9:00-22:00
31.12.2024 9:00-21:00
01.01.2025 9:00-22:00
IQOS07.01.2025 10:00-19:00
KFC24.12.2024 9:00-20:00
25.12.2024 9:00-22:00
26.12.2024 9:00-23:00
31.12.2024 9:00-22:00
01.01.2025 11:00-22:00
Kļavas lapa24.12.2024 8:30-19:00
25.12.2024 10:00-20:00
31.12.2024 8:30-20:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Kolonna24.12.2024 10:00-18:00
25.12.2024 10:00-18:00
26.12.2024 10:00-20:00
31.12.2024 9:00-18:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Lage Gastronomija24.12.2024 10:00-19:00
25.12.2024 10:00-20:00
31.12.2024 10:00-20:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Lage Gastronomija
(Stacijas zālē)
24.12.2024 7:00-19:00
25.12.2024 8:00-20:00
31.12.2024 8:00-20:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
LIDO24.12.2024 10:00-18:00
25.12.2024 12:00-20:00
26.12.2024 10:00-20:00
31.12.2024 10:00-18:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
08.01.2025 10:00-15:00
09.01.2025 12:00-21:00
LMT24.12.2024 10:00-18:00
25.12.2024 12:00-21:00
31.12.2024 10:00-18:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Medicīnas centrs Origo22.-26.12.2024 CLOSED
29.-31.12.2024 CLOSED
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Mimiko31.12.2024 10:00-19:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Rimi Hyper24.12.2024 7:00-20:00
25.12.2024 9:00-22:00
26.12.2024 7:00-24:00
31.12.2024 7:00-22:00
01.01.2025 11:00-22:00
Tele231.01.2025 10:00-20:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
TET31.12.2024 10:00-19:00
01.01.2025 CLOSED
Virši24.12.2024 7:00-20:00
25.12.2024 9:00-22:00
01.01.2025 11:00-22:00

If you need to clarify the opening hours of a particular shop, please, contact Origo information desk.