S/c Origo and b/c Origo One recognised as the Most Sustainable Building in Latvia 2021
08.September, 2021

The expanded shopping centre Origo and the business centre Origo One have been recognised as the most sustainable building in Latvia in 2021. Origo is a multi-functional trade and business centre at the intersection of city traffic, with shopping and entertainment opportunities under the same roof and an essential transport hub – Riga Central Railway Station. The reconstruction of the large-scale facility was completed at the end of 2020.
Andis Kublačovs, Project Director at Linstow Baltic: “Sustainability is the basis of Linstow Baltic’s new business strategy. The new shopping centre Origo building, the Origo One business centre and this recognition prove that together with the team, we can be a role model for the entire industry. The project acquired the world’s leading building sustainability assessment method’s BREEAM certification with the rating “Excellent” during the design phase. In the spring of this year, both the Origo shopping centre and the Origo One business centre received their certificates. Both acquired the rating “Excellent”, in the case of the business centre the rating was near “Outstanding”. This is the highest sustainability rating among all shopping centres in the Baltic States thus far, and the highest among business centres in Latvia.”
The expanded and reconstructed shopping centre Origo and the business centre Origo One was awarded the “Annual Award in Riga Architecture 2021”, organised by the Riga City Architect’s Office, and earned special recognition for the organic, harmonious, and multi-functional addition to the urban environment in the centre of Riga, as well as for respecting the requirements of universal design and environmental accessibility.
Evija Majevska, Commercial Director at Linstow Baltic and shopping centre Origo: “Shopping centre Origo was designed as a readily accessible urban environment for all people, including those with mobility, visual and hearing disabilities, new mothers, cyclists, and people travelling by public transport, car or electric vehicle. We are convinced that creating an urban environment that is nature, environment, and human-friendly must be at heart for any vision of new buildings and other large-scale projects. The recognition of Origo’s new building among professionals and our clients is evidence that we have set an example for integrating sustainable and modern facilities into the urban environment. It gives both this neighbourhood and the city of Riga a new added value.”
In the shopping centre Origo, 35.7 thousand square metres are allocated for retail, and 11.5 thousand square meters are taken up by the business centre Origo One with its Class A office space and business premises. There are 159 shops, 17 restaurants, 248 parking spaces, 70 bicycle parking spots and five electric car charging stations.
Seven companies have set up Class A offices in the Origo One business centre – Enlabs Group, digital content studio TheSoul Publishing, Narvesen & Caffeine, Hili Properties, Colliers International, LETA and TVNET Group.
By investing 600 thousand euros, the intersection of Elizabetes and Satekles streets underwent extensive reconstruction, making it much safer for motorised vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.
The project developer is Linstow Baltic, the author of the construction project – Depo Projekts, the authors of interior design – Xcelsior, the builders – Skonto Būve and Skonto Construction, landscape architects for the new building – ALPS landscape workshop. Publicity materials: Gatis Rozenfelds, Vinita Vilcāne Krilova