Origo shopping center may have the following number of visitors at a time: 5000
Additional safety measures in SC Origo
Due to the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19 and the declared emergency situation in the country, shopping center “Origo” informs about the implemented additional security measures and the operation of the shopping center:
- The Origo SC ventilation system operates in circulation mode, thus ensuring a regular exchange of fresh air.
- Taking care of the health of employees and the safety of visitors in order to protect everyone from the transmission of viral diseases as much as possible, hand disinfection points have been installed in staff facilities, lounges and public areas of the shopping center.
- The premises of the shopping center are regularly cleaned and disinfected, paying special attention to the contact surfaces.
- SC Origo, acting responsibly, has postponed all mass events and marketing campaigns until June 9.
- SC Origo employees have been instructed on needed actions in case shopping center store or service staff is infected or has been exposed to a source of COVID-19 infection.
SC Origo reminds about individual sefety measures
We remind and encourage to follow individual safety measures in order to prevent spread of viral diseases:
- Maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from other people, especially in line at the checkout.
- Reduce direct contact with other people, including shaking hands or hugs when greeting.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap or disinfect with special detergents.
- Disinfect your hands in special disinfection points inside the shopping center premises.
- Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid touching products which you have not intended to buy.
- Make only carefully planned shopping center visits.
- If you have returned from travel abroad – stay at home for 14 days.
Changes in opening hours